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Tuesday, 11 February 2014

We *really* want Moshiach now

Slogans are all very good, but if we are bombarded by them, or just with the passage of time, they can turn into clichés that no longer serve their original purpose. Other things can happen, like they can start to mean different things to different people (e.g. insiders vs outsiders), which again cause them to be ineffective or worse.

We sing "We want Moshiach now" and put slogans on yarmulkes and elsewhere but what does it really mean? Indeed, we mention it so often in shmone esrei that most people just rush through it without thinking twice, and others need convincing that the desire for Moshiach is not exclusively Chabad's. Certainly saying something (different) about Moshiach & Geula on a regular basis can help break the rote patterns and actually get us thinking.

So I was very excited to read an article about a lease for an apartment in Jerusalem that has a clause allowing the owners to terminate the lease when Moshiach comes. Clearly this is someone who not just believes in Moshiach's coming, but has prepared for it by purchasing a place to stay in Israel, and making sure they can move there when he comes! This is inspirational on such a practical level.

There are other ways we can think practically about Moshiach. A businessman can consider if their business or industry or market will still be around in Moshiach's times. Some industries may quickly disappear, but others may boom. Students of scenario planning will recognise the disruptive nature of Moshiach's arrival, and can consider the impact on the external environment.

We don't know much about how life will change when Moshiach comes. The Rambam has a few things to say, but still leaves plenty (particularly timing of certain things like techiyas ha'meisim) to be resolved at the time. It's one of those things where we don't know what we don't know.

Humans have inertia, and we have developed a comfort zone around galus (2000 years will do that). Thinking in very practical terms about how disruptive Moshiach might be to our everyday lives is quite scary, but if we *really* want Moshiach, then surely it makes sense to prepare practically for his arrival.


  1. A Shliach in the US11 February 2014 at 23:34

    Recently there has been a new drive by some to reawaken the moshiach drive I know of at least 7 groups of 10 people who are on a weekly conference call to figure out what to do to bring Moshiach. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said he is waiting for 10 Akshanim (stubborn people) to really want Moshiach. So get together with 10 friends and talk about moshiach every week. What are you doing. If there is inertia and nothing changes nothing will change. a resoulution that was made in our group - The greater Geulah starts with the personal Geulah so lets take an Hour a day to make Moshiach part of our lives (at least as much as some make an hour of shmiras halashon)

    As always thanks for sharing,

  2. Ideas that I've come up with in the past:

    1. When Moshiach comes there will be a high demand for direct flights to Yerushalayim, especially if we will have to go there every Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh, so Atarot airport will have to be expanded. That should raise the value of land around it (a king has the right of eminent domain, but must pay market value).

    2. It should be possible to negotiate a contract with all the world's airlines, paying them a tiny amount now to buy their entire capacity for the week that Moshiach comes. Those seats will become enormously valuable when the time comes, and the capacity is needed to bring all the Jews home. (Of course we'll be going by plane; how did you think we would get there? And there's nothing that says Moshiach will be paying our tickets, either.)

  3. No need for doctors then (is Moshiach Jewish-friendly?) Lawyers will still be in demand. The economy will be very different from now as things will have very different values then - no shortage of things of value, etc.
    But here's a thing. If at techiyas hameisim we rise as we were when we 'departed' then who wants to rise 'all old and feeble'? Wouldn't we prefer it if we were still young and strong? Well, go figure!
    All sorts of paradoxes exist. Do you still say "we want Moshiach Now!"?

  4. "Thinking in very practical terms about how disruptive Moshiach might be to our everyday lives is quite scary, but if we *really* want Moshiach, then surely it makes sense to prepare practically for his arrival."
    While there will certainly be great changes, the Rebbe stressed that Moshiach's coming won't be disruptive and the good we know now won't change. Rather that the "Alef," G-d, will be revealed in everything
    I do agree with you that only through constantly thinking about something in different terms and angles does it not become stale and that we need to constantly think about Moshiach in fresh terms.
    To that end, there are many interesting aspects of Yemois HaMoshiach discussed in the Rebbe's letter etc. (e.g. 2 long letters from before the nesius, one in Igros 1 the second in Igrois 2. Enjoy!
